
Brookland residents get their music on

The ukulele has become the instrument of choice at Brookland Robertson thanks to an enthusiastic group planning to showcase their talents at the next Christmas party. 

Brookland resident Trevor Hart holds weekly ukulele lessons for other residents, describing the popular instrument as “very friendly for beginners”. 

Musicians of any age can quickly learn to play and the ukulele can be highly beneficial for maintaining flexibility, strength and range of motion in your hands.   

The instrument also has a rich history, originating in Hawaii in the late 1800s and experiencing something of a boom in recent years. The Australian Music Association estimates ukulele imports now outstrip acoustic guitars by about 50,000 per year. 

“Only a couple of the residents have played the ukulele before,” said Trevor. “It can be a bit of a challenge, but people really enjoy it!”  

Attendees at the class enjoy picking out songs to learn and sing along to during class. Trevor hopes the class will be able to showcase their talent at the end of year Christmas party.   

Trevor is one of the newest residents at Brookland, moving into his apartment in November last year.He has really enjoyed the community and getting to know other residents, including through his music class. “It’s a friendly, informative and supportive environment” Trevor said.